Weight Lose
Losing weight can be one of the trickiest issues to manage. Sometimes it is easy to lose weight, but keeping it off can be the difficult issue.
Stop Smoking
Smoking is one of the harder habit to brake. With hypnosis, we can find the reason for this habit and the right way to stop it.
Relieve Pain
When your body is healthy, you feel good about yourself. This is because you are living in a physical body; therefore, it is better to take care of physical health and learn how to control pain.
Improve Performance
Whether you desire to improve your personal athletic performance or are training for the Olympics, hypnosis is a powerful tool for your success. Hypnosis can release any mental blocks, fears or limiting beliefs you may have that are keeping …
Anxiety & Depression
Emotion has to be followed by action in the form of expression. If one is not expressed, whether being scared to express or not given the opportunity to express, anxious feelings may manifest.
Transform Grief & Loss
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy helps to free the soul from the bond of karma. It helps answer questions like who Am I or why Am I here. It also helps in powerful healing for body, mind and spirit.
Explore Past Life
Strong emotional ties with certain individuals, cultures, places, or even talents can sometimes lead back to a past life. Overcoming fears or limitations can also lead back to a past life.
Hypnosis for Children
Most of our negative belief systems that are affecting us nowadays, are programmed within us during childhood stage. As currently practiced, hypnotherapy most often involves teaching a child how to self-hypnotize in order to control bad habits, …
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*Results May vary from person to person
Alex Maric CCHt
**Results may vary from person to person
***Fees are not refundable